$ N_{nc} \beta $-CONTINUOUS MAPS


  • A. Vadivel (Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002, Tamil Nadu, INDIA)
  • C. John Sundar (Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002, Tamil Nadu, INDIA)
  • P. Thangaraja (Department of Mathematics, Mahendra Engineering College, Nammakal - 637503, Tamil Nadu, INDIA)


$ N_{nc} \beta $-open sets, $ N_{nc} \beta $-closed sets, $ N_{nc} \beta Cts $, $ N_{nc} \beta Irr $, $ StN_{nc} \beta Cts $, $ PeN_{nc} \beta Cts $.


In this article, we study a new types of mappings using $ N $-neutrosophic crisp $ \beta $ open sets such as continuous mappings and irresolute mappings in $ N $-neutrosophic crisp topological spaces were introduced. Also, we discussed about their properties in relation with the other continuous and irresolute mappings in $ N $-neutrosophic crisp topological spaces. Also, we study about the concept of strongly $ N $-neutrosophic crisp $ \beta $ continuous and perfectly $ N $-neutrosophic crisp $ \beta $ continuous functions in $ N_{nc} $ topological spaces with their properties.



