Editorial Team

Secretary of Publication   Editorial Secretary        Editor-in-Chief

Dr. S.N. Singh, 
Ex-Head, Department of Mathematics, 
T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur-222002 (U.P.) India

Mobile No. : 09451161967

Dr. S.P. Singh, 
Head, Department of Mathematics, 
T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur-222002 (U.P.) India

Mobile No. : 09451159058
E-mail: drsatyaprakash.singh@rsmams.org, snsp39@gmail.com 

Dr. Vijay Yadav
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
S.P.D.T. College, Andheri (E), Mumbai,-59

Mobile No. : 08108461316
E-mail: drvijay.yadav@rsmams.org, vijaychottu@yahoo.com

Regional Secretary Managing Editor Style-Language Editor

Dr. Rama Jain
Department of Mathematics, 
M.V.P.G. College, Lucknow, UP India
E-mail: ramajain26@yahoo.com 

Dr. A.K. Singh
Department of Science and Technology
Technology Bhavan, New-Delhi-110016 India
E-mail: ashokk.singh@nic.in

Dr. Prakriti Rai
Department of Mathematics
Siddharth University, Kapilvastu, Uttar Pradesh, India
E-mail: prakritirai.rai@gmail.com